To assemble a lineup of 25 American League baseball players whose cumulative statistics, compiled and measured by the methods described in these rules, exceed those of all other teams in the League.



1) Each team maintains an Active Roster of 25 players consisting of: 5 outfielders, 1 catcher, 1 second baseman, 1 shortstop, 1 middle infielder (either second baseman or shortstop), 1 first baseman, 1 third baseman, 1 corner infielder (either first baseman or third baseman), 1 designated hitter, 1 swing player (qualify at any batting position for the auction, and any batting or pitching position during the season), and 11 pitchers.

2) Each team may also maintain a Reserve Roster of up to 8 players.



1) At approximately January of the upcoming year, players that are ineligible for retention are eliminated from the rosters, and positional eligibility for the new season is determined.

2) Approximately two weeks before the Auction, rosters are pared to eight players.

3) Approximately one week before the Auction, Owners establish their Final Retention Roster for the upcoming season, with a maximum of three players plus a fourth optional Franchise Player. Retained players will have their salaries adjusted as follows: Franchise Players +$3; Players acquired at the previous year’s auction +$6; Players eligible for retention acquired during the previous year but not at the auction +$9. Franchise Players must have a salary of at least $20. All retained players must have available roster positions.

4) On Auction Day, owners then acquire sufficient players to fill out their Active Roster and optionally, their Reserve Roster.

5) If the League expands, retention rosters may be voided and all players thrown back.



1) The player draft in the form of an open auction is conducted at a date to be agreed upon by the various owners. If possible, the auction should occur on the weekend immediately prior to the opening of the MLB season.

2) Each team must acquire 25 qualifying players at a total cost not to exceed $260.

3) A team need not spend the maximum.

4) Before any bidding starts, each owner must declare changes to their retention roster (as described under Retention Rights, below), if any.

5) Before the Live Auction starts, there will be a Silent Auction for players with Topper’s Rights. See the Retention section for amplification.

6) Nominating order shall be according to the inverse order of the previous year's standings, or by team order, according to the wishes of the owners.

7) The team bidding first opens with a minimum salary bid of at least $1 for any eligible player, and the bidding proceeds at minimum increments of $1 until only one bidder is left. Bidding order is irrelevant.

a) No team may make a bid for a player it cannot afford. For example, a team with $3 left and two openings on its roster is limited to a maximum bid of $2 for one player.

b) No team may bid for a player who is eligible only at a position or positions already filled on their roster.

c) For the 25-man player auction only, any player in the American League or any player in a minor league affiliate of an American League (whether or not they have played at the major league level), is eligible to be nominated for bidding. No free agents, players from the National League or their affiliates, or other international leagues are eligible.

d) A fine may be levied against any owner caught making illegal bids.

8) The final bid price of the player becomes his salary. See section on Free Agents for amplification.

9) Once acquired, the owner announces the roster position that the player will fill. Players eligible at more than one position may be shifted during the course of the auction.

10) The process is repeated, with successive team owners introducing players for bidding, until every team has acquired a squad of 25 players by requisite position.

11) Players who are acquired in the auction may be reserved for the first week. A player from the Reserve Roster must take his place. Rosters for the first week must be declared before leaving the Auction, unless determined otherwise at the Auction.


1) The reserve phase of the auction shall take place after the Player Auction has concluded.

2) Each team is awarded $100 of money for their free agent acquisition budget, or FAAB. All unused money from the Player Auction is added to each team’s FAAB.

3) The reserve phase consists of a 1-round auction and a 3-round draft of the remaining eligible players. Players who have not appeared in a MLB game are NOT eligible for nomination in the reserve phase.  Salaries are set at $F5, $F3, and $F1 for the draft rounds.

4) Player auction bidding rules apply.  The team with the most money available nominates first, and follows in order, with ties broken by lottery draw.

5) Owners are not required to bid on any reserves and may pass in the draft rounds.

  6) Each team may carry a maximum of eight reserves.


1) During the season, free agents are acquired by process of a weekly auction using FAAB funds.

2) Each team desiring free agents must submit their bid list to the Software Bid Manager by 10:00pm on Saturday evening. Bidding is done in Blocks.  Conditional bids are allowed within bidding blocks.

3) Owners may only submit one dollar value per player on their bids.

4) The Software Bid Manager will not allow bids within the total number of blocks to exceed the amount of FAAB dollars available.

5) Only in emergencies should bids be sent by email to the Commissioner, with the subject “FAAB”.  The Commissioner will not open any emails with this subject until after he makes his bid.

7) Only players who have appeared in a Major League game are eligible to be bid upon, with one exception. Players who have been called up to the major league team (as posted on the ESPN transactions list by Friday or earlier) but have not yet seen action in a game may be bid upon.

8) Once the weekly deadline passes, the Bid Manager assigns players. Ties are awarded to the team lower in the standings on the day prior to the bid.

9) Should an owner reacquire a player he had previously waived, there is no penalty, but the salary shall revert to the original if acquired at a lower cost.

10) Teams have until the Monday transaction deadline to waive/trade sufficient players to maintain the maximum of eight reserves and legally fill all active positions.

11) Teams may receive a credit to their FAAB account by waiving players acquired at the Player Auction prior to the All-Star Break. (Not players acquired via FAAB). The amount credited will be a percentage of salary according to when the player is released.  Players released in April will receive 75% credit; those released in May will receive 50% credit; those released in June will receive 25% credit; those released in July prior to the All Star Break will receive 10% credit.  If a player is waived during or after the All-Star Break, no credit is given. Values are rounded to the nearest dollar. Values are credited at the start of the next reporting period. Therefore, if a player is waived mid-week, the credit is not applied until after the next transaction deadline, typically Monday. The implication of this is that you cannot waive a player immediately before an FAAB auction to generate more funds for that auction.

12) FAAB bids of $0 are acceptable; however, if successful, all other teams receive a $1 credit to their FAAB accounts.


1) From the completion of the Player Auction until the Transaction Deadline immediately following the All-Star Break, Rocket League teams are free to make trades of any kind, except for future considerations. (Unrestricted Trade Rules)

2) From the Monday after the All Star Break Deadline until the transaction deadline four weeks from the end of the season (typically around Sept 1), trades may take place only between teams that are three positions up or three positions down in the standings, or within 5 points. (Restricted Trade Rules)

3) For the final four weeks of the season, no trades may take place.

4) A player who has been traded from Team A to Team B once the season has started may not be traded from Team B to Team A during the course of the season. The player must go to a third team before returning to Team A. Once the season is over, this rule becomes void.

5) After the season ends until Final Retention Rosters are set, Unrestricted Trade Rules apply.

   6) After the Final Retentions are publicized, no trades may take place before the Auction.

   7) The trading of FAAB dollars is allowed, and players may be sold for FAAB dollars.

   8) Trades are effective at the start of the next reporting period. Therefore, a trade completed mid-week does not go into effect until the next transaction deadline, typically Monday. This would be applicable for all components of the trade, including FAAB dollars. The implication of this is that players acquiring FAAB dollars in a trade cannot use these dollars until the next reporting period.



1) A player qualifies for any position at which he appeared in 20 games or more in the preceding season.

2) If a player did not appear in 20 games at a single position, he is eligible only at the position(s) at which he appeared most frequently.

3) Once the season is under way, a player becomes eligible for any position at which he appears at least twice.

4) Minor League players with no major league experience may be bid upon only at the auction, or through FAAB if on a major league roster, as specified above. These players are eligible only at UT(Swing) until they establish in-season eligibility of two games at other positions.


1) The salary of a player acquired at the auction is his auction price, with an A designation.

2) The salary of a player acquired via FAAB is his bid price, with an F designation.

3) The salary of a player previously waived that is reacquired by the same team via FAAB is the higher of the two salaries. See amplification in Retention Rights.

4) Retained players acquired in the previous year's auction, with an A designation, have their salaries increased by $6.

5) Retained players acquired via FAAB during the previous season, with an F designation, have their salaries increased by $9.

6) Retained players with salaries of at least $20 are eligible to be declared as Franchise Players, with salary increased by $3. There is a maximum of one FP per team, and no player can be a Franchise Player in successive years, regardless of the team he is on.


1) Statistics are kept from Monday through Sunday. Each owner may make roster changes for the week to follow and must input them into the OnRoto transaction manager.

2) During the season, each team must maintain a 25-man Active Roster with qualifying players.

3) The maximum salary of an Active Roster is $260 during the Auction, $310 once the season starts. The maximum salary of each team’s actives and reserves cannot exceed $360.

4) Each team may also maintain at their discretion, a Reserve Roster of up to 8 players.

5) Each week, owners may make trades, waive Active players, reserve Active players, activate Reserve players, drop Reserve players, bid on and reserve Free Agents, or bid on and activate Free Agents.

6) If an owner picks up one or more Free Agents, sufficient players must be waived or dropped in order to meet roster requirements by the Transaction Deadline.

7) If an owner receives extra players from a trade that is unbalanced (2 for 1, 3 for 2, etc), then he must reserve/waive players to meet the roster limitations. If an owner trades extra players, then he has the option to bid on and pick up extra Free Agents to fill open roster positions.

8) If an Active player becomes disabled or sent to the minors, an owner is under no obligation to remove him from his Active roster.

9) Should a player get traded to the NL, his statistics will continue to count (if active). He can be activated, reserved, or traded. If, however, that player is waived, he is no longer eligible for pickup via FAAB.

10) When trades are made, title to the players/FAAB$ does not change hands until the next reporting period.


1) A player must have been on the retaining team's Active Roster 4 weeks during the season to qualify for retention.

2) All players currently in the AL who were in the NL or a minor league affiliate of a NL team at the time of the previous Auction are eligible for retention, assuming they meet the 4-week qualification.

3) To be eligible for retention or topper rights, a player must be in the AL at the time retention rosters are declared.

4) There is a maximum of four players a team can retain, including the Franchise Player. If a team does not have a Franchise Player, then three is the maximum. Each team must adhere to salary and position requirements.

5) Retained players reestablish position eligibility each year, just as other players do. They do not carry over position eligibility from years gone by.

6) Each owner is allowed to make one "Attitude Adjustment Waiver", resulting from a player’s poor performance, injury, or attitude as reflected in their spring play. This must be declared prior to the start of the Auction.

7) Once declared for the season, there are no substitutes for Franchise Players. If traded, there is no substitute for a Franchise Player.

8) A player is ineligible to be declared a Franchise Player two years in a row, regardless if it is for the same or different teams.

9) Teams have the right to declare one player with Topper Rights. That player will come from those on the roster of eight established two weeks prior to the season that were not retained. Before the Live Auction, there will be a Silent Auction of players with Topper Rights. Each team owner writes down the name of the player, and one by one, those names are drawn from a hat. Owners make a written bid (or “no bid”) on each player. The original owner of the player being nominated then has the right to match the top bid and retain the player, or let the bid stand, with the winning bidder receiving the player. 

10) If the original owner declines to match the top bid and two or more teams have tied with their silent bid, additional silent bids are held between the tied teams until one team wins, with the minimum bid being the dollar amount established in the initial silent auction.

11) If a player acquired at the auction, waived for FAAB credit, but then reacquired through a subsequent FAAB auction is retained, his retention salary is based on the higher of either the original auction price or reacquisition price, assuming he is otherwise eligible for retention.



1). The following batting statistics are used to determine team performance:

Composite On Base Average

Total Home Runs

Total Runs Batted In

Total Stolen Bases

2). The following pitching statistics are used to determine team performance:

Total Wins

Net Relief, consisting of Holds + Saves – Blown Saves.

Composite Earned Run Average

Composite Ratio of (Walks plus Hits Allowed) to Innings Pitched

3). The batting statistics of pitchers, if any, are not considered. Likewise, the pitching statistics of batters, if any, are not considered. For players such as Ohtani, who are expected to both pitch and hit regularly, when active, managers must declare whether the player is active either as a pitcher or batter in any given week, not both.

4) Within each of the eight categories, teams are ranked according to performance.

5) Teams earn points according to their rankings in each category. In a ten team league, the first place team in each category would earn 10 points, second would earn 9, etc.

6) In case of ties in an individual category, the tied teams are assigned points by totaling points for the rankings at issue and dividing the total by the number of teams tied.

7) The team that earns the most points at the end of the season is declared the winner.

8) In case of a tie in total points at the end of the season, final placement in the standings is determined by comparing placement of teams in individual categories. Respective performances are calculated and a point given to each team for bettering the other. Should one team acquire more points than the other, that team is declared the winner. If the points are still equal, the tie stands.

9) At the conclusion of the season, each team must have at least 1,000 innings pitched in order to receive any points for ERA or Ratio. If a team fails to pitch 1,000 innings, they receive no points in those categories.  To determine points for other teams, the offending team will be credited with sufficient innings to make up the difference using an ERA of 9.00 and a ratio of 1.75. The standings for ERA and Whip will be then recomputed to determine points awarded.


1) The Rocket League will contract with a stat service or individual to compute the standings on a weekly basis, with fees prorated among teams.

2) The transaction date of any trade or roster move will be the Monday immediately after the deadline for reporting the transactions to the Commissioner.

3) Only the stats of players on Active Rosters shall be calculated.



1) All money is collected by the Treasurer and subsequently distributed to the top teams as shown below under Prizes.

2) No betting is allowed on the outcome of any game.

3) The following fees are charged and are due on Auction Day:

a) Franchise Fee: $100.00 - cost for acquisition of 25-man Active Roster, all player movement throughout the season, and $100 FAAB money for use in picking up free agents.

b) Stat/Trophy fee: $50.00, subject to annual review.

c) Attitude Adjustment Waiver - $5.00

d) Penalty Fees for Auction bidding errors - $1.00

e) Transaction fees: none


1) An amount not to exceed 5% of the fees may be allocated for miscellaneous expenses.

2) After determining the amount of the miscellaneous expenses and/or trophies, the Treasurer shall distribute prizes as follows (based on ten teams):

a) First Place - $450

b) Second Place - $250

c) Third Place - $150

d) Fourth Place - $50

e) Team that improves the most after the All-Star Break outside of the money - $50

f)  Winner of the Head-To-Head Contest - $50.



No person shall exercise any ownership authority or financial responsibility for more than one team. No two or more teams are allowed by combined effort of individual owners to control outcome of standings, player transactions, or other league matters. Collusion is a serious charge and should not be considered lightly. Penalties for collusion may include loss of player rights, incurred nominal fees, and/or expulsion.




1) The Rocket League may, upon approval of 75% of the existing owners, allow additional franchises.

2) If expansion occurs, Retention Rosters may be declared void for that season and all players may be obtained at the Auction.



1) If an owner decides to leave the Rocket League and a replacement owner is found, the new owner shall have the option to assume the retiring owner's roster or to draft a whole new roster.

2) If he elects to assume the retiring owner's roster, then retention salary escalator will be the same as the other owners.

3) If he elects to draft a whole new team, he may be considered an expansion owner and the League may consider voiding Retention Rosters, holding an expansion draft of retention-eligible players, or implementing a negotiated solution.